
Ocak, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 As I mentioned before while doing one of the tasks, I took that kind of course in the first semester of the college. Admittedly, I liked the context of the whole course. Same as before, while learning lots of things I actually had fun doing all those things while thinking all the things we did would help both us and our potential students. Technology and education was always a thing that must not be seperated, in my opinion. This semester, I also experienced that. This course helped a lot. If I have to choose one task that was completed during this course, I will say making a Wiki page is my favorite. Not only we have the opportunity to share our ideas on our favorite books, but we can also discover our new potential favorite books by looking at the others' work. I cannot mention the task which is my least favorite since I don't hate any of them as they are really helpful in classes. Finally, the course is sufficiently useful and beneficial not just for the students who learn ...

The Power of Digital Strorytelling

 As I experienced this kind of method of teaching last year of the college, I can easily say that this method of teaching would be fairly beneficial in language classes. My friends and I used voice recorder apps and a software for that. We combined sound files, photos and videos via Sony Vegas Pro. It is a tutorial video. Students are encouraged to study, do research, comprehend and come to a conclusion. In this way, students learn how to write and improve their works. Making it also gives the student couragement to talk about something they want to talk, they will be less annoyed giving presentations, making speeches. Digital Storytelling is also a fun activity. Personally, I had fun a lot. Making it with friends is especially even more fun. Deciding the story and who talks in particular areas of the Digital Story, trying to give the exact emotion and emphasis, improving the relationship between you and your friends while trying to achieve something together, enjoying the result o...

Infographics and Learning

I find it fairly useful when you teach people.Infographics are one of the easiest way to teach people about something. You see in classes, internet sites, everywhere. And they are so organized that you cannot help reading. I know that. So, I think it's a good way to teach things in class. Not only making it helps a lot, but evaluating, seeing those works have benefits also. They are just like summaries but with a lot of information. Using pictures, key words, and brief explanations make learning inevitable . Students can learn lots of words from it while learning the whole context at the same time. Shortly, in a place where qualified learning happens, infographics are good resources. It might not be a must, but it is quite obvious that it can help a lot.  COVID-19 AND WHAT IT DID TO EDUCATION - HF