That's All Folks
This course has taught me a lot of things. I understood that once again when I was in an interview (It was for Career Planning and Development Course, it wasn't a real one) and was asked how I can integrate my teaching to technology. I learned how to use technology properly when it comes to education. The world is changing, we develop day by day, and our educations need to change as well. If we want to achieve things in education, we need to consider every aspect. We need to learn about new teaching methods as well as new technologies. That's why this course is that important, I realized that.
This is the last post I'm writing, there will not be anymore. (At least, for now. I'm not sure what will happen to this blog.) It was a good adventure although there were some problems on the way here. I'm glad to have taken this course and I appreciate our teacher's effort. I hope I can be a great teacher with these things I've learned.
Teaching is a really hard thing to do in life. Being a teacher is not something that can be underestimated. We raise people no matter how old they are. I always say a teacher can cause both the collapse of and the rising of a country. As a teacher candidate, I know my responsibilities and I hope that I can get over every problem that I come across.
Thank you for everything.
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